Archive for June, 2009

Here’s an idea…

Posted: June 30, 2009 in business, Sport

We ought to all get together someday and plan an Xtreme Ice Skating exhibition that would be part of a much bigger show, sort of like these guys:

Read article

What these guys did is help raise money for muscular dystrophy. This is a good way of helping people all while gaining credibility for our sport.

What are your thoughts?

This video is really cool because it’s like watching a movie. It’s a movie about the natural progression of learning a new trick, namely the “Drunken’ Sailor”.

This dude can jump. What do you guys think?

Every day I look for information that might help me create solutions to help our sport take off. And here’s a little nugget I found on Tony Hawk that you might like. He talks about how to brand a business:


Watch Video

His tips are:
   1. Keep control
   2. Know your audience
   3. Stay relevant

This video is a typical practice session. Jump, fall, and figure out what went wrong. But never ever give up!

Watch jump video

Fakie 900° contest

Posted: June 27, 2009 in Jumps

Lets have a jumping contest. Everyone has until August 1st, 2009 to post a video of a Fakie 900°. That’s just a little over a month. Than we will have a poll on August 1st, where every one votes on this supposed Fakie 900° to see whether they think it’s a valid Xtreme Ice Skating jump or not.


The question is: should T-blades be used for Xtreme Ice Skating? My answer is NO! Xtreme Ice Skaters have complained that they have cracked from jumps and from doing the Dime Stop. It is best to use the conventional blade and blade-holder system that comes with the skate.


FrontSide 720° Jump

Posted: June 27, 2009 in Jumps

Julio from Spain, is the first Xtreme Ice Skater to do a FrontSide 720°. And for those of you who have been discussing the popular “Fakie 900” topic, please watch for the height of Julio’s knees (they are at hip level), a valid Xtreme Ice Skating jump:

FrontSide 720° by Julio

Xtreme Ice Skater: Jhuls from Spain

Nathan (jesus – his nickname), an Xtreme Ice Skater from the UK, has been told by rink management he can no longer jump and do his tricks. We think this is unjust. Figure skaters have their own practice times and are able to perform “moves in the field” during public sessions. The rink should cater to Xtreme Ice Skaters as well. After all, we just want to practice our stuff, and maybe even make some friends along the way. Please sign the petition below in support of both Nathan and our sport. Twenty people have signed already.

Click here for petition.

One of the big questions we’re trying to solve now is:
Q: How does one further legitimize Xtreme Ice Skating as a sport?

This original question came up when Ivan asked:
“1. i think unless the sport became official sport, the rink management would hardly give any good response to the skaters. Well, this is for some countries maybe.”

Based on this literary work about legitimizing Global Sport Organizations (GSO’s), I think part of the answer might be that, the power of the Organization can deal with and influence local economies and politics:

QUOTING from literary work:

“Indeed, it can be said a fourth network has been emerging, a network that can be called the “sport governance network”. GSOs, in other words, no longer have a monopoly over the governing of their sport but are becoming mere “governance bodies”, that is to say they have to compete and cooperate, through formal structures and informal practices, with other bodies (private and public, economic, social, and political, as well as national and trans-national) in regulating the international activities of sport.”

Also, it seems that a Global Sport Organization must have connected networks, and this might concur that: The governing body of Xtreme Ice Skating must affiliate itself with for example: figure skating governing bodies, hockey clubs, and local non-profit organizations that provide programs to local ice rinks in numbers.


“Although it can be argued that GSOs are not fully democratic organizations, they nevertheless are able to create and confer upon one another a degree of legitimization from their membership in a series of diverse and overlapping networks.”

And I think this can be done by establishing firm recognition of power and influence in local ice rinks and online communities such as this one. So another words: must be large in numbers, have the capacity to influence what local ice-skating venues, products, and services are monetarily demanding, and to persuade the politics at local rinks of economic influence.


“Sport has more than health and recreational functions. It can also act as a socialization agent and help promote national identities as well as confer prestige on those identified with it. Sport can, in other words, create “political resources” (Allison 1986: 12). It is for this reason that governments, and not only in authoritarian regimes (Riordan 1991, Arnaud and Riordan 1998), do not hesitate to use sport whenever they think that it can help them. Even if governments were to ignore it, however, sport would still be a sphere of political activity. In one of the first essays to be written on sport and politics, Trevor Taylor advanced two definitions of “the political”: all that involves government or other public authorities or any activity which implies the use of power to shape the behavior of individuals or organizations (Taylor 1986). Both definitions make of sport a political activity.”

What do you all think about these solutions? Do you have your own?